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Session 1:  Using China’s laws, policies and guidelines in advocacy 

Session 1 (09:00 – 10:30) 

 Using China’s laws, policies and guidelines in advocacy 
 Moderator: Tina Huang 

Environmental movement in China and approach to greening its international trade and investment (20 mins)
Yong Ma 马勇 
Vice President of China Biodiversity and Green Development Council 

Understanding and Leveraging voluntary Guidance and Guidelines illustrated by cases (25 mins) 
Huang, Zhong 黄钟 
China Researcher, Business and Human Rights Resources Centre Team 


Session 2 (10:45 – 12:30)

Understanding Chinese company and financing structures for advocacy 
Moderator: Tina Huang 

Advocacy Tools for Chinese versus Western banks (20 mins) 
Wawa Wang 王娃娃 
Sustainable Energy (Denmark) 

Exploring legal avenues: A comparative perspective of state- accountability mechanisms (20 mins) 
Jingjing Zhang 张兢兢 
Founder and Director, lawyer, China Accountability Project 

Session 3 (13:30 – 15:45) 

Follow the money and Inga Dam  (Inclusive Development International) 
Parallel sessions: Using accountability mechanisms and engaging investors and finances

Session 3 (16:00-17:00)

Report-back in plenary from small groups