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Group photo taken during 3rd ACCA GA
Group photo taken during 3rd ACCA GA

The 4th upcoming ACCA GA will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 17-19 October 2017. The overarching theme for this year’s General Assembly is access to remedy.

This theme was selected by the Steering Committee members for two reasons: (1) it ties in with the theme of the both the ACCA working group and (2) the theme for the upcoming UN Forum on Business and Rights which is set to take place in Geneva, Switzerland from 27-29 November. This General Assembly seeks to host 2 consultation sessions to validate the ACCA reports that were prepared by the relevant working groups on access to remedy and FPIC. In line with the Addis meeting that took place in 2014, the current ACCA Steering Committee was elected by the ACCA General Assembly to serve an initial 3-year term with the option of renewal. In this light, the objectives for this year’s General Assembly include, but are not limited to: electing ACCA Steering Committee members for a 3-year term, hosting a session on development finance and security and human rights, along with a training session on the OECD watch campaign.

For more information on the upcoming ACCA GA, please do not hesitate to contact the ACCA Secretariat.

Damian Oakes